In this third post in my “Storage Series” I share how I store my stamping & scrapbooking tools.
The tools I use most frequently tend to “live” on my craft table. If you read my previous post called “What’s on my Craft Table,” then some of this will look familiar to you.
Small tools which I use all the time stay in my “black spinny.” This is the very technical name for it, of course.
Medium-sized and larger tools also stay on my craft table, if I use them often enough.
Tools I use infrequently I keep in a few different locations:
1. shoe organizer on the back of my office door
2. dresser drawers next to the craft table
3. inside boxes on my shelves in my office

On the shelf below my stamps, I have several baskets like this one, holding tools I use infrequently
I hope seeing how I store some of my tools for stamping and scrapbooking will help you get ideas for your craft space. I am here to help you with ideas, if you need me! If you are local to me, I hope you’ll come to a class or event soon, and see my space “in action.”